Sweating from heat hair fall? Learn what the solution is ,,,

 It's hot to the touch. Moisture in him. Sweating and combing your hair. Do you wake up every day and find a pillow full of falling hair? Or combed hair fall out during combing? So be careful now.

 In the summer there is more warmth and less uncomfortable moisture. The result is very sweaty. That sweat can stay in the roots of your hair. Weak hair after a single sweat became weak after thinning. As a result, hair begins to grow easily.

 In addition, sweat and natural oils on the skin can cause oily hair. The hair is tangled. As a result, the hair is tangled in the comb as soon as it is combed. The feeling of hair is also lost. Dufferfa your style.

 Take care of your beautiful hair before the market. Follow some simple tips made at home every day. Make small changes in your life. And then you will get beautiful curly hair.

What should you do to keep your hair beautiful in the heat?

1) Try to wash the car every day. Gently massage the scalp with your fingers while washing your hair. Apply any good conditioner after shampooing.

2) Take three to four tablespoons of lemon to juice in a pot. Add a small amount of water to it. Gently rub the roots of the hair. Leave for 30 minutes. Then rub three to four tablespoons of coconut oil or almond oil on the head. After 30 minutes, wash with shampoo. 

Try to do this before bathing two days a week. ​The hair follicles will be strong.

3) Aloe vera juice is very helpful for any hair type. One or two days a week, apply aloe vera juice to the scalp one hour before bathing. You will feel the benefits after one month.

4) It is best to reduce the use of mehndi or kalpa on the hair. If you want to do it alone, use the best quality kalpa of a famous company. Shampoo your hair thoroughly after using kalpa.

​5) You should use an umbrella when you go out. Wear a clean, well-fitting hat.

​6) Avoid using hair gel, wax, hair spray. Or use it, wash your hair with shampoo thoroughly after returning home.

​7) Hair spa is very helpful for hair. If you can do a hair spa once or twice a month, your hair will be fine.

​8) Drink plenty of water every day. Add plenty of vegetables and fruit to your diet. Eat raw almonds regularly. Eat fresh small fish. Eat a tablespoon of honey every morning.

​9) Do not wipe your hair loudly after washing. This will weaken the hair strands. Wipe your hair with a towel.

​10) It is best not to use a hair dryer or straightener. It's nice to see the hair for a while, but in the end it's damaged

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